[Tacos-devel] no async event patch
Martino Piccinato
2007-11-15 01:48:13 UTC

this is the patch to add "noAsync" parameter to DojoWidget component. It
includes documentation and a test for it (I had to resurrect ActionBinding
test private class for this).
I'm not satisfied with the way url for non async events are generated
(simply by adding a "&bteventname=<dojoevent>" parameter to the
DirectEngineService). Neverthless it works fine, later on might be added
some simple ad hoc mechanism to make more configurable this.

Let me know if the patch is ok or if you need anything more

2007-11-16 03:31:37 UTC
thx - committed!

You're welcome to send over a demo page that shows the feature, it
could be included in the demo app!
Post by Martino Piccinato
this is the patch to add "noAsync" parameter to DojoWidget component. It
includes documentation and a test for it (I had to resurrect ActionBinding
test private class for this).
I'm not satisfied with the way url for non async events are generated
(simply by adding a "&bteventname=<dojoevent>" parameter to the
DirectEngineService). Neverthless it works fine, later on might be added
some simple ad hoc mechanism to make more configurable this.
Let me know if the patch is ok or if you need anything more
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